Anniversary Song


  • Title: Anniversary Song
  • Composer: Andrew Summers
  • Written: 2006


26 years gone by
Doesn't seem too much time
Well, maybe it does but
That's looking at it
With time in mind
Time to unwind, and
Take a peek at eternity,
Parents of mine.

I won't bore you to death with
Facts and Figures,
Some charts ...
26 divided by forever
Is pretty small.
Almost as if
It were nothing at all!
But that's not what I'm getting at.

But the problems you face
And ordeals you make,
Why do they consume our time?
We all want to do everything—
But if we did everything, all of us
We'd all be everyone
And you'd see
That's not how it was meant to be.
I don't want this to sound like
Head-in-the-cloud(s) rhetoric
That sounds like I know it all.

While I almost forgot,
This song is for you,
Mom and Dad.
A song for you, Dad
And for you, Mom—
Your anniversary song.
To sing of your time together,
The time you spent on me
And my brothers.

Please, don't forget these times—
These times are still easy though
It may not seem so.
And I pray that you guys would stick together
Through the years to come—
But most of all,
That you would stick with the Lord,
The Great Shepherd,
And the Father who watches over you.

And lastly, don't forget to love the Lord
More than Me, or Stephen, or Joseph.
Be found worthy
Of He who has called you
To take up your cross and
Follow Him!

While I almost forgot,
This song is for you,
Mom and Dad.
A song for you, Dad
And for you, Mom—
Your anniversary song.
Your anniversary song.
To sing of your time together,
The time you spent on me
And my brothers...
And my brothers.


Anniversary Song (MP3)


This page was last edited on 2 October 2021, at 22:15.