Christmas Trilogy

Christmas Trilogy


The Christmas Trilogy began in late 2007 after hearing about an annual Christmas event at my local church. I initially was trying to impress people around me with the words and music... but ultimately I hope that this was just the beginning of something greater than myself.

The trilogy begins with the song "Christmas" as it touches on events leading up to the birth of Jesus.

Following "Christmas" comes the song "The Shepherds". The Shepherds was written for another annual church Christmas event... and it touches on the shepherds who were told about the birth of Jesus. This song was actually written about two years later than the original "Christmas" song because I wasn't clear on the lyrics (at the time...) so, this actually ended up being the last Christmas Trilogy song composed... although it's chronologically the second part of this trilogy.

Finally, the third part of the trilogy is "The Magi". The Magi was also written for the annual Christmas event at church... and it focuses on the impact Jesus had on people who lived far away from (or outside of) Israel. Ultimately, this song foreshadows the impact that Jesus will continue to have on all sorts of people... and quietly completes the Christmas Trilogy.


  1. Christmas
  2. The Shepherds
  3. The Magi


Christmas Trilogy (Music Album)


  • Special thanks to Hiromi for singing with me during the original live performance of the "Christmas" song back in 2007.
  • Special thanks to Udai for playing drums during the original live performance of "The Magi" back in 2008.
This page was last edited on 14 October 2021, at 22:17.