Future Projects Ideas

Summer '08
Before the Harvest
Spirit Fruit
Seasons Past
Piano Drafts 2004

Summer '08

Ah... the summer of '08. I remember it well. It begins with times of second-guessing and doubts but it ends with hope.

Before the Harvest

I believe this album is almost, if not already, tracked and recorded. Not sure why this isn't finished yet... but it probably goes back to my desire to make things as perfect as possible (which never happens anyway). It's a guitar-based album... but with little different from previous projects like Wind Trails. Just another project that tries to describe things I have been realizing; that tries to paint pictures in song.

Spirit Fruit

This album is a continual work in progress. It is a collection of songs that try to describe what the fruits of the Spirit really look like in everyday life. Songs that hopefully will continue to remind me of fruit I am so often missing in my life. In a sense, this album is a companion to Color Emotion even though this isn't about colors and emotions. This album is far from complete but I believe it will surpass the songs that are focused on my self.

Seasons Past

This is an alternate look at the Dream World story. Instead of being told through the eyes of one character, this story is told through the eyes of five, unique characters. Seasons Past is an attempt at seeing circumstances from different points of view. Sometimes things in life just don't seem to work out for the best. But when looking at the same events through a different person's perspective, perhaps things do work out for the best... in the end.


Another project I've been thinking about (a while back,) is Snow (雪). It's a song project but is being written in a linked Tanka type of format. I used to not care for formats (or frameworks,) much in the past; but over time I've seen how they can actually be freeing sometimes... less reinvention, more focus on content. I just hope this project is worth the time, though it might not ever be finished. At the very least, it's another marker to remember the past.

Rediscovering the Instrumentals

I've been meaning to redo the original instrumental recordings from years past in an effort to make them easier listening. The original recordings were only helpful for myself as a way to remember the often-improvised instrumentals. It may be a while until this project is completed... but I look forward to the challenge of finding "diamonds" in the rough.

This page was last edited on 31 January 2016, at 19:37.